Vol.2 : Number 2
Floral variability and correlation studies among selected male sterile lines in rice

Author(s): B Singh, Rajesh Singh

Ten cyto-staerile lines and their maintainers, possessing “Wild Abortive” (WA) type of cytoplasm were studied for heritability, genetic advance and correlation studies of floral traits influencing out-crossing in rice. Significant positive correlations were found between stigma breadth, anther breadth and anther size; percentage of stigma exsertion with stigma length, angle of opened florets and style length; angle of opened florets with style length; stigma length with anther length; duration of opening of floret with percentage of stigma exsertion, angle of opened florets, filament length and filament length after elongation; stigma breadth with stigma surface, anther breadth and anther size; anther breadth with anther size and filament length, filament length with filament length after elongation. Characters such as blooming, angle, filament length with breadth, stigma surface, style length, anther breadth and filament showed high broad sense heritability coupled with medium genetic advance. 

Country: India