Vol.2 : Number 2
Biochemical characterization and molecular identification of antagonistic bacteria identified against Exserohilum turcicum causing turcicum leaf blight in maize (Zea mays L.)

Author(s): Sudha Kumari, Rajesh Singh

The purpose of this study was to isolate and select the rhizospheric bacteria capable of developing multiple mechanisms of action related to the biocontrol of phytopathogenic fungus Exserohilum turcicum affecting maize crops and cause a disease called Turcicum Leaf Blight. The screening procedure consisted of antagonism tests against the fungus, taxonomic identification, biochemical analysis, detection by PCR of several genes related to antifungal activity. Eight isolates, identified and designated as Pseudomonas BMLK1, BMLK9, BMLK11 and BMLK18. Phosphate solubilising bacteria desinated as BMLP3 sand BMLP4 and actinomycetes isolates BMLA1 and BMLA11.BMLA1 showed highest percentage of growth inhibition. Biochemical assays were performed for these eight isolates and then after it’s DNA extraction, by using universal primers 16S27F and 16S1115R, 16S rRNA genes from these isolates were amplified by PCR, amplicons were partially sequenced. Finally, the 16S rDNA sequences were compared with those available in the NCBI Database combining a blast search and analysis. It has been found that BMLP3 and BMLP4 showed similar banding pattern which may emphasize that, they may belong to similar genera of microorganism. BMLK1 and BMLA11 have closely related banding pattern, which may emphasize that they may have closely related antifungal activity. 

Country: India