Vol.4 : Number 4
Screening of okra varities against okra jassid (Amrasca biguttula biguttula Ishida)

Author(s): Vatsala Srivastava, Paras Nath, Rajesh Singh

In the present study the screening of okra was planned against okra jassid caused by Amrasca biguttula biguttula (Ishida) in consecutively for the two seasons viz, summer and Rainy season in Indian Institute of Vegetables Sciences, Varanasi. Eight varieties of okra namely Arka Anamika, GS - 43 Arka, Abhay, VR –5, HRB–55, IIVR–10, VRO–6 and Pusa Sawani were included for the present study. Evaluation and screening of varieties in two environments led to the categorizriation into different groups. It helped in identification of two resistant (Arka Anamika and GS - 43), four moderately resistant (Arka Abhay, VRO–5, HRB – 55 and IIVR - 10), one susceptible (VRO-6) and one highly susceptible (Pusa Sawani) varieties. The study also revealed that none of the variety was rated as highly resistant indicating about severity of this insect. 

Country: India