Biochemical screening of tomato (solanum lycopersicum l.) germplasm for varanasi region AK Singh, Umesh Singh, RP Singh, K Singh, KK Rai, RK Singh, MK Singh

logo.pngBiochemical screening of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)  germplasm for Varanasi region


AK Singh1, Umesh Singh2, RP Singh1, K Singh3, KK Rai2, RK Singh2, MK Singh2

1Department of Botany, Udai Pratap Autonomous College, Varanasi-221002

2Division of Crop Improvement, Indian Institute of Vegetable Research, PB- 01, Varanasi- 221305

3Department of Entomology, Udai Pratap Autonomous College, Varanasi-221002


              Received: 25 August 2016                                Revised Accepted: 19 October 2016




High temperature is a major environmental stress that limits plant growth, metabolism and productivity worldwide. Plant growth and development involve numerous biochemical reactions that are sensitive to temperature. Twenty three tomato (Solanum Lycopersicum L.) genotypes were evaluated in the autumn-winter (main season) and spring-summer (high temperature stress) in the field condition. Study was contemplated to compare biochemical responses and average day/night mean temperature/humidity were 38.0°C / 23.0°C, 78% / 39% and 25.0°C / 12.0°C, 91%  / 45% in spring-summer and autumn-winter, respectively. Significant variations between genotypes were observed in both the season. It was observed that pigments lycopene (2.6% to 62.3%), proline (0.9% to 32.3%) and titrable acidity ( 3.2% to 37.5%) concentration enhanced during spring summer season. Chlorophyll b is highly sensitive to high temperature and thus its concentration severely affected, and its reduction (21% to 47.9%) amongst tomato leaf in spring-summer was observed. There were not significant differences amongst total soluble solids content were noticed in both the season. From these biochemical observations Sel-18, EC-538156 and EC-538441 showed better performance under both the seasons.


Key Words: Autumn-winter, Lycopene, Proline, Spring-summer season, Tomato